Awareness and Screening

Knowledge of the individual on how to preserve their health and prevent the onset of disease is essential. This knowledge must consider the context in which we live and the behaviours.

The awareness of the population, within the scope of health education, induces changes that impact the economy and the quality of life of the individual and the community.

Awareness Actions

The Health Team, through a network of health professionals, distributed nationwide, conducts face-to-face or online awareness actions, emphasizing health education with the aim of training the target audience, promoting the management of their health in a more informed and conscient manner.

Communication is centred on knowledge of the pathology, identification of risk factors and their mitigation, while emphasizing day-to-day strategies and actions that promote the quality of life and health of the target audience or reinforce the capacity that those who are already sick have to prevent the evolution of their disease.


When carried out in person, these actions are often complemented by screenings, using exams or rapid tests in order to identify the risk and potential patients, referring them to their attending physician for clinical evaluation.
When carried out in pharmacies, these actions also aim to promote the training of the pharmacy teams to better understand and guide users according to their needs.

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